Electronics giant Sony said it will introduce an upgraded PlayStation 3 videogame console in Japan at the end of July, with a bigger memory and a new white version on offer.
The company will sell a 160GB model for 29,980 yen ($341), the same price at which the Tokyo-based company had previously offered its 120GB console, it said in a statement.
It will also introduce a 320GB model for 34,980 yen. Both models will be available from July 29 in Japan. Sony did not indicate worldwide release plans in the statement.
The move comes amid heightened competition between Sony and gaming rival Microsoft, with both giants looking to release motion-sensing controllers later this year in response to the runaway success of Nintendo's Wii.
PlayStation Move wands will hit the market in time for the year-end holiday shopping season in the United States.
The devices let PS3 play be controlled with swings, jabs and other natural movements instead of toggle-and-button commands that have been trademarks of play on PS3 and rival Xbox 360 consoles by Microsoft.
Microsoft's Kinet technology will use a 3D camera and gesture recognition software to let people play videogames using natural body movements instead of hand-held controllers.
Sony shares closed 1.33 per cent higher at 2,361 yen in Tokyo on Tuesday.
The company will sell a 160GB model for 29,980 yen ($341), the same price at which the Tokyo-based company had previously offered its 120GB console, it said in a statement.
It will also introduce a 320GB model for 34,980 yen. Both models will be available from July 29 in Japan. Sony did not indicate worldwide release plans in the statement.
The move comes amid heightened competition between Sony and gaming rival Microsoft, with both giants looking to release motion-sensing controllers later this year in response to the runaway success of Nintendo's Wii.
PlayStation Move wands will hit the market in time for the year-end holiday shopping season in the United States.
The devices let PS3 play be controlled with swings, jabs and other natural movements instead of toggle-and-button commands that have been trademarks of play on PS3 and rival Xbox 360 consoles by Microsoft.
Microsoft's Kinet technology will use a 3D camera and gesture recognition software to let people play videogames using natural body movements instead of hand-held controllers.
Sony shares closed 1.33 per cent higher at 2,361 yen in Tokyo on Tuesday.
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